Contact our Advertising department at:
Phone: 712-755-3111
Toll Free: 800-909-6397
Mike Kolbe, general manager
Tami Schechinger, advertising account exec.
Lori Christensen, advertising account exec.
Current advertising rates: Rate Card as of January 1, 2024
2,987 homes (readers 7,467)
Since 1870 - covering the news, sports and lifestyles of Shelby County.
Harlan Tribune - Tues. - $9.50 per col. inch
Harlan News-Advertiser - Friday - $9.50 per col. inch
Rerun same ad - for only $7.75 per col. inch
One col. equals 1.75" -- Page height 21.5"
Tuesday/Wednesday, 21,979 homes (44,000 readers)
Since 1967 covering 12 counties in 15 respected publications, including Harlan, Mapleton, Manilla, Dunlap, Schleswig, Mo. Valley, Avoca, Mo. Valley Merchandiser, Charter Oak-Ute, Manning and Oakland Weekly
Rocket - $9.00 per col. inch
One col. equals 1.5" -- Page height 14.75"
Classified Advertising (no box)
Tribune, News-Advertiser, PennySaver and Internet, $16 for first 20 words, 20-cents each additional word.
Purchase two weeks, get third week free
Rocket $15 first 20 words, 20-cents for each add'l word. Purchase two weeks, get third week free Rates
1. One of the nation's highest traffic weekly newspaper web sites over 100,000 monthly page views.
2. Free weekly Internet Directory newspaper ad
3. $20,000 yearly marketing campaign
4. Ad traffic reports
• Small $30 - $35 --- 288x56 pixels
• Medium $40 - $45 --- 288x86
• Large $75 --- 288 x 126 pixels
• Price varies due to ad location on the page
Harlan Newspapers
1114 7th St., PO Box 721
Harlan, IA 51537
712-755-3111 or 1-800-909-6397
FAX 712-755-3324